Malcolm X Commemoration Committee


Statement of Philosophy and Purpose

“…just as the fuse is the small piece in the powder keg, it is yet 

that little fuse that ignites the entire powder keg. The black nationalist 

…{is} composed of the type of ingredient necessary to fuse or 

ignite the entire black community." 
—Omowale Malcolm X, 1964

The Malcolm X Commemoration Committee (MXCC) was formed in 1992 by a small group of former members of the two organizations — the ORGANIZATION OF AFRO-AMERICAN UNITY and theMUSLIM MOSQUE, INC — Malcolm X founded after his 1964 expulsion from the Nation of Islam. The impetus for forming MXCC was fueled by the commercialization and trivialization of Malcolm's life, his strong revolutionary principles and his clear Pan-Africanist commitment that was sweeping through legions of Black communities across the united states of america. MXCC believes that Malcolm's life and legacy continues to be deliberately suppressed, and so we are committed to passing on the Living Legacy of Malcolm X”  El Hajj Malik El Shabazz. Our purpose is four-fold: 1) to honor and pay tribute to this great warrior, who at the time of his assassination was rapidly emerging as the leader of the Black Liberation struggle for Land, Independence and Reparations here in the united states; 

2) to actively participate in the struggle to bring freedom and justice to our freedom fighters; 

3) to educate the young and not so young who have no direct knowledge of our fallen leader, and 

4) to carry forth his message of Black Liberation to our brothers and sisters in the New York metropolitan area. Toward these efforts,MXCC sponsors annual activities around periods of high interest in Malcolm's life. Among these are the “ Living Legacy of Malcolm X ” Essay Contest and Award Ceremony for elementary, middle and high schools students in the New York tri-state area, and the co-sponsorship of the May 19th Gravesite Pilgrimage to celebrate the anniversary of Malcolm's birth (in 1925), his revolutionary nationalism, and to encourage our people to pass on his legacy. In 1996, MXCC joined forces with other progressive human rights organizations to launch the Jericho Movement , a strategy toward the recognition and release of scores of united states held political prisoners imprisoned due to their unswerving commitment to the struggle for human rights, justice and self-determination, as so brilliantly exemplified and articulated by brother Malcolm. As an expression of our gratitude, support and solidarity with the families of our political prisoners, who have suffered and endured decades of separation from their freedom fighting loved ones, we host anAnnual Dinner Tribute to the Families of Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War for those in the New York , New Jersey and Pennsylvania area.

Among other strategies, MXCC launched a campaign to organize these families into a potent force to highlight the existence of political prisoners in this country, and to challenge the media and prison authorities' criminalization and dehumanization of these dedicated revolutionaries. This work forms the basis for both a fulfilling and beautiful struggle! It is also an arduous one, in which human resources are needed. Effective outreach to our communities requires that we have committed brothers and sisters who are willing to conduct research, compile materials, and make presentations to help fulfill MXCC's mission of keeping the legacy of El Hajj Malik El Shabazz  Malcolm X  alive.

Malcolm X Commemoration Committee • PO Box 380-122 • Brooklyn, NY 11238