Oakland Jericho
Revolutionary Greetings, Oakland Jericho is a California based chapter with diverse members who are dedicated to freeing Political Prisoners/POWs, as well as bringing awareness of the struggle through various public events and forums. We work with other groups and organizations in a mutually beneficial relationwith the aim of assisting with the needs of; and freeing our Political Prisoners/POW's. We also address systemic and community issues such as mass incarceration, police brutality, racism, and other inhumane brutalities. We stand firm for human rights and the right to be human....In Solidarity & Determination, The Oakland Jericho Chapter
Please see our interviews with Jalil's brother Dave at one of our "Join Oakland Jericho" events!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHfoULwZgWQ (books 2)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ2qoXHeUKM (books 1)
Free Em All!!