The NA-ELPSN is part of the Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network (ELP), an international network of groups that support people who are accused or convicted of actions taken in defense of the Earth and its inhabitants. Such actions, accusations, or convictions that would warrant support by ELP would include: Earth and animal liberation activity (regardless of whether the "A.L.F." or "E.L.F." claimed responsibility), anti-nuclear activity, communities fighting development, peace action, indigenous resistance, anti-fascist, and prisoners from the MOVE family.
Our support is not based on whether people fit a strict ideological checklist but is granted on a case by case basis. We do not impose ideological or lifestyle limits on our support, although we DO NOT support people that provide information to law enforcement or snitch on allies or co-defendants.
Simply, we are a prisoner support network. That’s it. Although our acronym "ELP" resembles the name of the international direct action movement, "E.L.F.", we have no connection to this movement other than our ideological support for actions taken by individuals operating under the E.L.F. banner. Our support of prisoners is of a wholly separate, legal and aboveground manner.*
Most importantly, ELP’s listing or support of an individual DOES NOT– in any way, shape or form– indicate that ELP believes a prisoner to be guilty of any alleged crime. Support IS NOT based upon perceived guilt or innocence; nor is it based upon a prisoner’s alleged support of or connection to an underground movement or activity. Listing and support by ELP, as described above, is based upon one being charged and/ or accused of activity taken in defense of the Earth– not whether or not ELP believes such allegations to be true.*
We welcome feedback and critique on our website as well as our support work. However, we will not communicate with corporate media. Since, in most cases, we cannot communicate with prisoners directly, we cannot effectively communicate their message to an already biased media. If one wants to interview prisoners listed on this website, the first step is to contact the prison and see what their regulations are. At that point, contact the prisoner and see if s/he want to speak to you. We do not facilitate this process. Inquiries from alternative, independent and movement media or individuals are encouraged and will be answered promptly.
Please send us any updated prisoner addresses, new photos, news items related to prisoners we support, information on federal and state grand juries, tips, advice or stamps. Our contact information is here. To receive e-mail updates, including ELP's monthly "Spirit of Freedom" newsletters and urgent bulletins, please e-mailelp4321@hotmail.com or you can click here to register.
For ELP's international website, please see www.spiritoffreedom.org.uk.