The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign logo designed by young Puerto Rican artist Pedro Rios.
It symbolizes the power the masses have to free political prisoners!
The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign is an organization composed of individuals and organizations who work together on a broad and unitary basis, accepting differences of ideological and political position, but sharing the responsibility to support the Puerto Rican political prisoners and prisoners of war who have been imprisoned for their political convictions and activities in the cause of Puerto Rico's ongoing struggle for independence and right to self-determination.
For twenty years,The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign has been working for the release of the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners (PR/POWs). With the release of eleven of the prisoners in September of 1999, we redirected our efforts to securing the freedom of the remaining prisoners. With the release of Norberto Gonzalez Claudio, this leaves Oscar Lopez Rivera as the sole prisoner for Puerto Rico's independence.
Through a comprehensive regimen of public educational programs and events, ongoing lobbying efforts, public pressure work and related initiatives like this web site and El Coqui Libre, ProLibertad's newsletter, it is out goal to secure the freedom of these brave patriots whose only "crime" has been the unconditional love of their homeland, Puerto Rico. The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign is an anti-imperialist and anti-colonial campaign that also supports the release of all U.S. political prisoners, and completely opposes the United States' colonial control of Puerto Rico and its military presence in the Island municipality of Vieques, and all Puerto Rico.
If you are interested in working with The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign then check out our, Why should YOU join the campaign for the freedom of the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners?
ProLibertad needs your financial support; we can only do the work that we do with your help. Please send your tax deductible donation (check or money order endorsed to IFCO/ProLibertad) and then mail it to:
IFCO/ProLibertad 418 W145th St.New York, N.Y. 10031 @ProLibertad